420 IN THE 508: OCTOBER 2021
Logo by Kevin La
Billions. With a B.
The Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission released a report showing that gross sales of recreational marijuana topped $2B in August 2021. It’s been about three years since the opening of the first recreational dispensaries and we’re really just seeing this money making machine getting into motion. The industry doubled their sales in less than a year, and with more dispensaries opening up every week, sales might cross the $3B mark by March/April 2022. But let’s be honest, this should surprise no one. We all knew how quickly this industry would grow. Multi-state operators are clamoring to get a piece, acquiring licenses and companies alike, just to get skin in our game. And of course there’s studies showing that cannabis purchases increased more during the COVID-19 pandemic than in the previous years. So if you have some investment capital laying around and you haven’t invested in a local cannabis company yet…here’s your sign. It’s probably not too late.
Blunts, Bongs, Pretzels?
If you’re on stoner TikTok you’ve probably come across the user rawkandrolling, better known as Josh Kesselman, the founder of RAW Natural Rolling Papers. If you haven’t, and you happen to be a lover of funny, pot-related things, go find him. He’s hilariously animated in every video and loves showing off all the creative and innovative products that RAW is making. However, there’s a slight problem. Cannabis use is strictly against TikTok policy, and users have had their accounts banned for smoking on camera or even showing buds. So, Kesselman brilliantly skirts the rules by showing off their products using pretzels. Pretzel sticks to be more specific. Notable inventions include a hands-free pretzel snacking device, a frisbee that can hold a pretzel while being thrown to your friends, or an extra long lighter made to prevent thumb burning while lighting pretzels. I personally don’t use a lot of their products but I always get a laugh when his account comes across my FYP. It’s great to see all of their devices get a fun secondary use. Now if only I had a pretzel that found lost lighters.
Pouch Out
There’s a trend in the cannabis industry of selling flower and edibles in plastic pouches with zip tops. The problem is, in an attempt to make these childproof they’ve inadvertently made them stoner proof as well. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, picture a Ziploc bag on steroids. Recently, I was trying to open a package of Incredibles gummies for my wife and it turned into an entire chore. Wanting to do it correctly, I searched for an instructional video with secret tips, but they said to use my nails. No luck, those got clipped the night before. I struggled so much that I ended up grabbing a pair of scissors and cutting the thing open. I’ve since been told there is a special way to press and slide the two sides of the bag between your thumb and index finger. Unless the packaging comes with grip areas, I have a hard time with this method. So now I’m whining to my fellow stoners. Do any of you know a trick I don’t? What’s your opinion on the pouch? Hit me up on social media.
Thanks for reading and happy trails!
-Travis (@hunchbacktravis)