420 IN THE 508: MARCH 2021
Logo by Kevin La
How Do You Do Fellow Kids?
So as a guy in my 30s it may be a little surprising to read that I’m enjoying the heck out of TikTok. The amount of information and ideas available from this very useful app is astounding, especially when it comes to cannabis. I think it only took a day or two for the digital sorting hat to put me in StonerTok, where I belong. There are lots of people translating the science of cannabis for casual consumption, while others are MacGyvering some new smoking apparatus. However, the trend that caught my attention this month was the theory that EmergenC helps get you higher. At least once a day my FYP shows me another user telling me to try a dose 15 minutes before I take a toke. The logic being that EmergenC supposedly lowers your tolerance, allowing you to get higher. So as a man of science I had to try it for myself. For those keeping track, yes this is a “TikTok made me buy it”.
Here are my honest results. I’ve tried it three different times, with varying results. I’ve also had a couple friends give it a whirl as well and give me their feedback. Our consensus is that it’s most effective the first time you try it, with a less noticeable result on subsequent attempts. What I’m suggesting is that this is probably just a placebo effect but more experimentation is needed. If you feel brave enough to try it, please let me know how it goes. I’ll probably just stick to mango slices.
There HAS To Be A Better Way
One of the things I miss most about pre-pandemic days was sitting around with my friends and passing a bowl. A good session with friends can emotionally repair better than any clinical prescription. I’ve tried to replicate it using video conferencing technology, but something about not actually passing the piece, or only seeing my friends on a screen, just doesn’t have the same effect. Throughout history many great leaders have met in these types of sessions and have shared world changing thoughts and ideas. I’m not suggesting that anything that happens during our sessions has this much gravity, however it does certainly have a positive impact for all those involved. That being said, I understand public safety supersedes my need for a traditional blaze sesh. I’m just asking for someone to come up with a clever and safe way for us to do it again sooner.
Home of the Free
2021 has been a doozy so far. With Biden taking over the White House, there has already been a wave of Executive Orders undoing the previous administration’s efforts. Now that the Democrats control the House and Senate there are a lot of people speculating that we will see National Decriminalization within the year, and possibly Federal legalization soon after. Chuck Schumer has publicly stated that there are bills in the works. Bills that will ideally federally decriminalize marijuana, reinvest tax revenue into the areas most affected by the war on drugs, and fund programs to release and expunge people sentenced with cannabis related crimes. It just makes sense. We see a growing number of States updating their laws, so it would appear that it’s only a matter of time. A path to national legalization is in sight, and it’s my belief that now that the Senators have finished dealing with the impeachment hearings, they could cleanse the Nation’s palette with a little legal weed. It’d be unifying and would help raise morale, but I may be biased.
Thanks for reading, and happy trails!